If you work on a public sector health campaign, the chances are that someone else somewhere is working on the same issue. One Stop Shop offers health professionals a chance to share unpublished research and information on consumer knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviour across a range of public health priorities.

If you work on a public sector health campaign, the chances are that someone else somewhere is working on the same issue. One Stop Shop offers health professionals a chance to share unpublished research and information on consumer knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviour across a range of public health priorities.

COPD awareness: Qualitative research

The overall aim of this project was to:

Obtain robust data related specifically to Wakefield regarding the public’s awareness and understanding of COPD

Within this aim lie several objectives;

  • To understand the baseline awareness of COPD within the catchment area
  • To find out what people understand about the condition
  • To find out what communications/activity people would best respond to
  • To find out what questions / misconceptions need to be answered through future communications

Breastfeeding: Insight report

The key objective of this research was to ascertain levels of knowledge and attitudes towards breastfeeding before campaign intervention with a particular focus on understanding barriers to breastfeeding and appropriateness of existing support.

Specifically the research was designed to:

Breastfeeding: Qualitative research

  1. Identify key target population in Doncaster who are less likely to breastfeed.
  2. Identify the barriers to breastfeeding, and explore how these could be reduced. Specifically, to explore:
  • the environmental and cultural issues around breastfeeding in Doncaster, including the influence of family and friends  
  • the sources of information and education about breastfeeding and what the most effective forms of communication are
  • the experiences of the practical help and support offered to new mothers by the NHS and other agencies

Breastfeeding: Qualitative research into the behaviours, attitudes, relationships and barriers among health professionals, partner organisations and residents

Research objectives were as follows:

  • In order to develop and deliver a successful social marketing campaign it is crucial that the PCT first understands the target audiences.
  • More specifically to gain insight into the behaviours, attitudes, relationships, barriers and resistance to breastfeeding among professionals, partner organisations and residents within North Halifax.

Specifically, research was needed to shed light on the following:

Alcohol related behaviours: Exploratory research

This research assesses the role that alcohol plays in the lives of those who routinely consume higher amounts of alcohol than recommended by the Government’s ‘safe drinking’ guidelines.

It seeks to understand the underlying motivators and values that lie behind binge drinking, and to identify whether it is possible, and how, to:

Awareness and attitudes towards Cancer: Qualitative research

The Specific objectives of the research were to give insight into a range of specific issues: • Awareness of cancer & risks • Knowledge about symptoms • Confirm barriers to seeing a GP • Most effective language to push to seeing a GP – cancer-led v symptoms-led • Most effective type of appeal to push to see a GP – emotional v rational • Examples of existing campaigns – cancer-led (Cancer Chancer) and symptoms-led (Cough Cough):

End-of-life care: Qualitative research

The overall aim of the research was to: Help the NCL EoLC CCI achieve its aims by informing the development of a specifically targeted social marketing campaign to encourage healthcare professionals to make their own EoLC plans, with the ultimate aim of improving EoLC conversations with patients and service users.

A social norms approach for Change4Life: Qualitative research

The overall objective of the research was to inform understanding of the potential value of a ‘social norms’ approach (in terms of engaging the audience, influencing behaviour and driving HTK completion) and any parameters around how this type of messaging needs to be delivered for best impact. In addition, the research aimed to provide an assessment of the relative strength of different executions and concepts.

Cancer symptom awareness among South Asian communities: Qualitative research

The research was conducted in two stages, as follows: 1. Stage one comprised strategic research into attitudes and beliefs about cancer among Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi people aged fifty to eighty. 2. Stage Two comprised creative development research, exploring the potential of different communications approaches to engage and motivate the Asian communities.