If you work on a public sector health campaign, the chances are that someone else somewhere is working on the same issue. One Stop Shop offers health professionals a chance to share unpublished research and information on consumer knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviour across a range of public health priorities.

If you work on a public sector health campaign, the chances are that someone else somewhere is working on the same issue. One Stop Shop offers health professionals a chance to share unpublished research and information on consumer knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviour across a range of public health priorities.

Increasing school meal uptake in the North East of England: Scoping report

Having previously established the target group for social marketing interventions as parents, in conjunction with head teachers. The objective of this study was to identify attitudes and behaviour patterns in relation to school food and healthy eating amongst this target group.

Encouraging and supporting patients with LTC’s to be more physically active: Qualitative research

NHS London commissioned this research in order to develop an understanding what they can offer health professionals in exchange for supporting their patients, in terms of personal information and advice, to become more active and how NHS London can make it easier and quicker for them to do so effectively.


Specifically the research was commissioned to;

Breastfeeding: Insight report

The main objective for this research was to identify the most appropriate target audience for the proposed campaign and to explore the attitudes and behaviours of those least likely to breastfeed.

Specifically the research was designed to:

Young people and their health: Qualitative research

Not specified, but appear to have been to explore young people’s awareness, attitudes and behaviours with regard a number of health-related topics, including:

  • diet and exercise
  • weight
  • emotional health
  • bullying
  • smoking
  • alcohol
  • drugs

MMR vaccine and parental views: Qualitative research

  1. To explore the factors that influence and motivate parents in respect of their decision to have their children immunised against MMR, particularly from hard to reach groups.
  2. The research to be used as the basis for a strategy for a local MMR social marketing campaign.

Urgent care service: Qualitative research

Research is required to assess the key messages and communication routes to:

  • Increase awareness of the service
  • Encourage usage
  • Ensure the correct usage of the service

Research is also required to:

End-of-life care: Qualitative research

The overall aim of the research was to: Help the NCL EoLC CCI achieve its aims by informing the development of a specifically targeted social marketing campaign to encourage healthcare professionals to make their own EoLC plans, with the ultimate aim of improving EoLC conversations with patients and service users.

Hand rolled tobacco: Qualitative research

PRIMARY RESEARCH OBJECTIVES • Explore perceptions of HRT in terms of language, imagery and associations (vs. manufactured cigarettes) • Explore usage of HRT in terms of reasons for usage, benefits/drawbacks, brands used, rituals and habits (vs. manufactured cigarettes) SECONDARY RESEARCH OBJECTIVES • Evaluate and develop possible proposition areas • Identify any that have the potential to prompt HRT users to stop smoking (rather than revert to using manufactured cigarettes)

Smokefree cars and homes: Qualitative research

The main objectives were to: 1. Explore in-depth attitudes and behaviours in relation to SHS in terms of benefits/drawbacks, imagery, language, perceived dangers, barriers to behaviour change 2. Evaluate existing campaigns to develop new platforms to encourage behaviour change in terms of which messages, tone, imagery, intervention strategies are most motivating

Access to maternity services: Qualitative research

Formative stage • Conducted with 10 x women in long cooking-based session in children’s centre • Mix of discussion and practical in order to evaluate concept properly Pilot • Implementation targeting “group rejectors” • Launch area predom. S.